3 Simple Ways to Connect With Your Child During Divorce 3 Simple Ways to Connect With Your Child During Divorce 3 Simple Ways to Connect With Your Child During Divorce Michele Hart Law

Date: June 19, 2018 | Author: Michele Hart

As busy parents, it’s easy to become disconnected from our children’s day-to-day activities and what is going on in their emotional lives. Daily interactions with our children can often be reduced to coordinating schedules and school work, and finding out where and when they need to be so we can plan our own schedules. When you are in the midst of divorcing your spouse, however, it can be that much more challenging to connect with your child on a personal and emotional level. Yet your physical and emotional presence with your child can make all the difference in the world to him or her. For starters:

1. Set aside a block of time each day to focus exclusively on connecting with your child. This might be as little as 10 minutes a day, but the quality of that time is what your child is most likely to remember. If necessary, put the time on your calendar as an important appointment. During that time, be fully present with your child both physically and emotionally.

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