How to Take Charge of Your Emotions for Stronger Relationships Photo of Michele Hart I have practiced law for 24 years and the past 18 years, I have focused exclusively on divorce and family law cases. I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer. I admired the power that I believed lawyers had to “win” rights for the clients they served. After all, I’ve always been a fighter. I have been knocked down a few times but I always found the strength and determination to get up and get back in the game.
Michele Hart Divorce & Family Law< I have practiced law for 24 years and the past 18 years, I have focused exclusively on divorce and family law cases. I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer. I admired the power that I believed lawyers had to “win” rights for the clients they served. After all, I’ve always been a fighter. I have been knocked down a few times but I always found the strength and determination to get up and get back in the game.
3 Prospect St Morristown, NJ 07960, USA
Michele Hart Phone: (973) 292-9090

How to Take Charge of Your Emotions for Stronger Relationships

Month: May 2021

How to Take Charge of Your Emotions for Stronger Relationships

In your day-to-day interactions with those most important to you, how often do you find yourself letting your emotions get the best of you? When this happens, you might feel stuck.  You might have said something or done something that

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The Art of Mastering Difficult Conversations

One of the most important life skills is knowing how to navigate difficult conversations. After all, the way we approach these conversations can make or break any relationship, whether professional or personal. Difficult conversations might include: Approaching an employee or

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Three Steps to Prevent Anger from Destroying Your Relationships and Your Health

Anger is a basic human emotion.  But anger can easily become toxic to our health and damaging to our relationships unless it is effectively managed and healthily communicated.  Most of us lack these critical skills.  But the good news is

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Four Types of Assets Commonly Overlooked in Divorce

Divorcing spouses typically obtain or exchange information about each other’s incomes, assets, and debts acquired during the marriage.  This process, called “discovery,” includes things like bank statements, credit card statements, and employment records. Accurate values for assets like your home

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