8 Tips for Keeping Your Marriage Happy, According to Divorce Lawyers Photo of Michele Hart I have practiced law for 24 years and the past 18 years, I have focused exclusively on divorce and family law cases. I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer. I admired the power that I believed lawyers had to “win” rights for the clients they served. After all, I’ve always been a fighter. I have been knocked down a few times but I always found the strength and determination to get up and get back in the game.
Michele Hart Divorce & Family Law< I have practiced law for 24 years and the past 18 years, I have focused exclusively on divorce and family law cases. I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer. I admired the power that I believed lawyers had to “win” rights for the clients they served. After all, I’ve always been a fighter. I have been knocked down a few times but I always found the strength and determination to get up and get back in the game.
3 Prospect St Morristown, NJ 07960, USA
Michele Hart Phone: (973) 292-9090

8 Tips for Keeping Your Marriage Happy, According to Divorce Lawyers

Month: January 2019

8 Tips for Keeping Your Marriage Happy, According to Divorce Lawyers

Communication has to be more than just talking—it needs to be about actively listening. “Listen to understand where the other person is really coming from,” Michele Hart, of M. Hart Divorce and Family Law in Morristown, New Jersey, tells Brides. “Listening is at the

Is Your Spouse Entitled to Half Your Retirement in a New Jersey Divorce?

It’s common to assume your spouse is automatically entitled to “half” of your pension or other retirement assets if you divorce.  This is really not accurate, however. First of all, in New Jersey, marital assets including retirement assets, are distributed “equitably”

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Nine Tips for Saving Money and Aggravation in Your New Jersey Divorce

Divorce is not easy.  But it doesn’t have to involve knock-down drag-out fighting with your spouse or cost you an arm and a leg. Here are 9 tips that can save you money and aggravation in your New Jersey divorce:

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Four Immediate Actions to Protect Your Online Privacy if Separated or Considering Divorce

It’s very common for divorcing spouses to have shared access to computers, devices or online accounts, even after they physically separate. If you’re separated or considering divorce, it’s essential to take immediate steps to protect your online privacy.  This can

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Five Insider Tips for an Amicable Divorce

As a practicing divorce and family lawyer for over 20 years, I’ve seen how easy it is for divorcing spouses to get caught up in the emotional conflict that often comes with divorce. When you have children, it’s important to

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Three Tips for Settling Your Divorce Out of Court

It’s common for divorcing spouses to speak with one another to decide who gets what in the divorce. Divorce negotiations can be difficult, however. They can quickly become emotionally charged, especially when there is a lack of trust between spouses.

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