The Number One Way for Entrepreneurs to Avoid Divorce Photo of Michele Hart I have practiced law for 24 years and the past 18 years, I have focused exclusively on divorce and family law cases. I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer. I admired the power that I believed lawyers had to “win” rights for the clients they served. After all, I’ve always been a fighter. I have been knocked down a few times but I always found the strength and determination to get up and get back in the game.
Michele Hart Divorce & Family Law< I have practiced law for 24 years and the past 18 years, I have focused exclusively on divorce and family law cases. I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer. I admired the power that I believed lawyers had to “win” rights for the clients they served. After all, I’ve always been a fighter. I have been knocked down a few times but I always found the strength and determination to get up and get back in the game.
3 Prospect St Morristown, NJ 07960, USA
Michele Hart Phone: (973) 292-9090

The Number One Way for Entrepreneurs to Avoid Divorce

Year: 2018

The Number One Way for Entrepreneurs to Avoid Divorce

It’s no secret that running a successful business is hard work and takes relentless commitment. Not unlike running a successful marriage. So how can you have both? How can you as an entrepreneur avoid divorce? As a practicing family law

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Five Tips for Family Business Owners to Resolve Conflicts with Family Members and Co-workers

Our last post pointed out three ways family businesses can minimize conflict in the workplace. Here you’ll get 5 tips for when a conflict with a family member or co-worker arises. The most common cause of any conflict is lack of communication and

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Three Ways for Family Business Owners to Minimize Toxic Effects of Workplace Conflict

Conflict is part of life.  And conflicts can often occur in family businesses.  A “conflict” is generally a serious and protracted disagreement or argument. The longer conflicts remain unresolved, the more resentment builds.  This could ultimately result in a complete breakdown

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New Alimony Tax Law on the Horizon – How Will It Affect You?

The end of 2018 is rapidly approaching. In December 2017, President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 into law. The alimony tax law will take effect for all divorce agreements and Judgments of Divorce obtained on

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Six Simple Yet Powerful Tips for Celebrating the Holidays During Divorce

There’s no question about it – divorce can be one of the most difficult times in your life. Seemingly in an instant, the world as you know it turns upside down. And then the holidays approach. Where you might have always

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The Number One Way to Avoid Hefty Legal Fees in New Jersey Divorce

Chances are you’ve heard about astronomical legal fees charged by divorce lawyers and never-ending court battles. Although such cases are not the norm, we hear about them because, while rare, they do exist. But why do they exist?  And how can

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Will I Lose Some or All of My Pension or Retirement as a Result of a New Jersey Divorce?

If you’ve worked many years putting money into your pension for retirement, the last thing you might want to do is give it all away to your soon to be ex-spouse. If you want to hold on to your pension,

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The Ultimate Child Custody and Parenting Time Plan for Divorcing Parents

What should you do first when you and your spouse decide to divorce but haven’t yet told the children? Generally, the best thing is to first agree on what the custody and parenting time arrangement will look like. Children generally

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Sample Custody and Parenting Time Agreement

Select from the below sample provisions as appropriate: The parents agree to the following terms and conditions related to the parenting of their child(ren). This parenting plan shall determine the procedures for the day-to-day care of the minor child of

How long does it take to get divorced in New Jersey?

One of the most common divorce questions is how long the divorce will take to be finalized. The short answer is – it depends.   Since no one marriage is exactly alike, each divorce is uniquely different. New Jersey family courts,

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