How will Divorce Affect the Children? Photo of Michele Hart I have practiced law for 24 years and the past 18 years, I have focused exclusively on divorce and family law cases. I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer. I admired the power that I believed lawyers had to “win” rights for the clients they served. After all, I’ve always been a fighter. I have been knocked down a few times but I always found the strength and determination to get up and get back in the game.
Michele Hart Divorce & Family Law< I have practiced law for 24 years and the past 18 years, I have focused exclusively on divorce and family law cases. I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer. I admired the power that I believed lawyers had to “win” rights for the clients they served. After all, I’ve always been a fighter. I have been knocked down a few times but I always found the strength and determination to get up and get back in the game.
3 Prospect St Morristown, NJ 07960, USA
Michele Hart Phone: (973) 292-9090

How will Divorce Affect the Children?

Year: 2015

How will Divorce Affect the Children?

The short answer is…that’s up to you.   Ideally, you will have cooperation from your spouse. Children generally need the love and support of both parents in order to thrive regardless of whether their parents remain married. The term “divorce”

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