8 Powerful Ways to Increase Your Child’s Self Esteem and Ability to Fend Off Bullies 8 Powerful Ways to Increase Your Child’s Self Esteem and Ability to Fend Off Bullies 8 Powerful Ways to Increase Your Child’s Self Esteem and Ability to Fend Off Bullies Michele Hart Law

Date: June 19, 2018 | Author: Michele Hart

The best time to take charge of bullying behavior is before it happens to your child, not after. Recognize that the higher your child’s self-esteem, the less likely that he or she will be a target of bullying behavior.

Fortunately, we now have legislation and comprehensive anti-bullying policies to protect our children. You don’t need to look solely to your school, however, to protect your child from bullying behavior. Below are 8 powerful and specific ways that you can empower your child with self-esteem and the skills needed to create and attract healthy relationships:

1. Model self-esteem and healthy relationships. This is extremely important. After all, we can’t teach what we don’t know. Also, our children learn by watching us and how we interact with others.

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